Bukunmi Oyewole
Sow. Hoe. Grow.
Artist Statement
Herbert Spencer said, “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” This is evident in the actions of Mr. Seun Opadare, who runs a home garden in his compound. He did a lot of research by watching numerous videos online and surfed the internet for information on how to successfully operate a home garden. It is interesting to note that he went all out by putting his all into this home garden. I then decided to document his activities in the garden pictorially. When I asked him the reason for doing this, he said that gardening shortens the food supply chain, preserves local wildlife and pollinators, reduces global warming, cleans the air and soil, and replenishes the soil. He also talked about how climate change has affected agriculture generally. He then encouraged people to begin to look into running a home garden.
"Sow. Hoe. Grow" is an ongoing project about home gardening in this time of climate change which is one of the ways to heal the planet.
"Sow. Hoe. Grow" is an ongoing project about home gardening in this time of climate change which is one of the ways to heal the planet.
Bukunmi Oyewole
Bukunmi Oyewole is a travel and documentary photographer whose works primarily spotlights present day realities in Africa, so that future generations can experience Africa through his pictures.